Month: June 2021

How to Handle Calls from Debt Collectors

When you owe a debt and are behind on your payments, constant calls from debt collectors can be stressful. In many situations, it can even turn into harassment. It’s essential to know how to handle the calls and resolve the issue while working with a 4 Pillars debt consultant in Victoria. Request the Details in…
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Why You Should Avoid Payday Loans

When you need extra cash, you may feel desperate and consider payday loans. Although these loans may be fast and easy to obtain, they come with a lot of drawbacks. Whether you’re debt-free or working with debt consultants in Victoria, there are a few reasons to avoid payday loans at all costs. High APR Debt…
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What Happens If You Miss a Credit Card Payment?

When you work with a 4 Pillars debt consultant in Victoria, you likely have a plan in place for becoming debt-free. Unfortunately, there are still mistakes you can make along the way while working hard toward your goals, especially if you’re not working with debt consultants in Victoria. If you fail to make your credit…
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4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Paying Off Debt

When you’re paying down your student loans or credit cards, you likely want to pay off your balances as quickly as possible. You may have picked up a second job or limited your expenses to reduce what you owe. Unfortunately, you can make a few common mistakes that can derail your progress and extend the…
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