How to Handle Calls from Debt Collectors

How to Handle Calls from Debt Collectors

When you owe a debt and are behind on your payments, constant calls from debt collectors can be stressful. In many situations, it can even turn into harassment. It’s essential to know how to handle the calls and resolve the issue while working with a 4 Pillars debt consultant in Victoria.

Request the Details in Writing

A consultant from 4 Pillars will recommend asking the debt collector to put everything in writing to ensure proper documentation. Request a validation letter that includes your outstanding balance. If you don’t receive the letter, you can also send the agency a validation letter to obtain additional information.

It’s also critical to avoid sharing any information with the debt collector because there’s a chance it could be a scam. Avoid confirming or denying the balance they say you owe. Ask the collection agency for their name and do some research before agreeing to repay the amount owed.

Learn Your Rights

Becoming educated about your rights helps you identify when a debt collector has crossed the line. Debt consultants in Victoria are knowledgeable about the laws in Canada. They can inform you about how often the collector can contact you and what it looks like if it turns into harassment. You can also request the collector to stop calling you or only reach out via mail.

Take Notes

4 Pillars consultants in Victoria will recommend taking notes when talking to debt collectors, allowing you to document the details and keep a record if the calls turn into harassment. Write down the date and time you receive phone calls and the balance they claim you owe.

Contact us today to learn more about what to do if you receive phone calls from debt collectors.