Month: May 2019

Three Tips to Emotionally Cope With Debt

There are millions of people who struggle with stress. Whether it’s from stress on the job or stress within the family, many don’t see a way out. In many cases, stress is due to a financial situation. Tons of people struggle with copious amounts of debt. If you are in this position, it might seem…
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Don’t Let Your Debts Snowball Out of Control

When you make a snowball, you can keep packing on more and more snow to make it bigger. Roll it on the ground and it will be big enough to make a snowman. That’s how you may feel about your debts. They started out small. You could handle them in the beginning. Over time, they…
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Cut Your Debt Down to Size

It’s all too easy to let debt multiply until there seems like there is no end in sight. Paying minimum payments will get you nowhere. You’ll only tread water. Acquiring more debt will make you feel like you are drowning. If you want to swim your way to financial freedom, you need to find a…
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Don’t Let Your Debt Crush You

Getting out of debt is a lot harder than getting into financial troubles. It’s so easy to use those credit cards or apply for that personal loan. You may have started with using credit to get things you really wanted. You did not think about how hard it would be to pay back your creditors…
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Stop Letting Your Debt Control Your Life

When you find yourself facing too much debt, it can feel like it has taken over your life. You are trapped in a vicious cycle of borrowing more money to pay off the loans and creditors you already have. You can’t manage anything more than the minimum payments. Sometimes, you are hit with late fees.…
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