Why A 4 Pillars Consultation Is So Important

Why A 4 Pillars Consultation Is So Important

The internet makes it easy to find information on any subject. Some of the online information is from trusted, reliable, and up-to-date sources, which a lot of the information is outdated, inaccurate, or wildly misleading.

Unfortunately, there are also very dishonest and unscrupulous businesses and individuals who prey on people under financial stress. These fraudulent websites often make false promises of getting rid of debt, immediately rebuilding your credit score, or training you to use specific strategies to get out of debt. Even with some of the reputable training programs or debt management courses, information is not customized to the individual, resulting in the potential for mistakes and complications.

The 4 Pillars Personalized Approach to Debt Management

At 4 Pillars, we offer a complimentary one-on-one consultation with our debt consultants. During this consultation, one of our experienced debt consultants reviews your financial information, including your income, assets, and debt. This meeting is confidential, and you should plan to ask questions to get the answers you need.

This information is used to create custom options for your consideration. The 4 Pillars debt consultant will review the options based on your specific financial situation. Many people will have more than one option to resolve their debt, and we take the time to explain each possible choice.

It is always the consumer’s decision as to the debt relief strategy selected. Our team is here to support and provide education, even working with you to begin to rebuild your credit score and move forward into a debt-free life.