Rebuild Your Financial Life by Working with 4 Pillars in Victoria

Rebuild Your Financial Life by Working with 4 Pillars in Victoria

From Reuters to CNBC to The Globe and Mail, the reports all agree – Canadian citizens are in dire straits, financially speaking. In fact, with $2 trillion in consumer debt, we are the most indebted nation on the face of the planet. While that’s great news for banks, credit card companies, and other lenders, it’s a horrifying situation for the average Victoria resident. It’s a massive financial burden to shoulder, but help can be had by working with 4 Pillars in Victoria. How can we help you rebuild your financial life?

We Actively Listen

Everyone’s situation is different. We understand that. You could be facing mounting interest on school loans. You could be in debt with credit card companies. You might have bounced a couple of checks, which set off a chain reaction that has spiralled out of control. We understand – we’ve seen it before. Our goal is to actively listen to what you have to say, and understand not just your current situation, but where you want to be in the future.

We Ask the Important Questions

We ask important questions often glossed over by credit counselling firms, and often untouched by trustees in the bankruptcy process. Our financial professionals delve into your situation to begin charting a path forward.

We Build a Plan Designed to Help You Become Debt Free

Your plan will be unique to you, designed to reflect your unique financial situation and your ultimate goals. A financial professional with 4 Pillars in Victoria can cover a wide range of solutions based on the information you provide during the interview process. One of those is for you to submit a consumer proposal, which is a legal means of settling your debts for a fraction of what you owe, filed with a trustee. However, we will review all your options and we will work with you before, during and after your chosen debt solution.

We Are There Afterward

Whether your considering a consumer proposal to settle your debt, actual bankruptcy or other options, your credit will be impacted and likely has already. Our services don’t stop with debt relief. We go the distance to help you rebuild your credit and re-establish yourself in today’s society.

Ready to experience the difference that a compassionate financial professional can make in your life? We invite you to contact a representative with 4 Pillars in Victoria – relief, and peace of mind can be yours.