How To Manage Multiple Creditors With The Help Of 4 Pillars

How To Manage Multiple Creditors With The Help Of 4 Pillars

It is not uncommon for people to have multiple types of debt. Most Canadians have some form of debt for housing, which may be a rent or a mortgage payment, as well as debt on at least one vehicle. In addition, most Canadians have at least two major credit cards, with 41% having a credit card spending limit of over $10,000 per card.

In 2019, according to a report by the CBC, the average Canadian had approximately $4240 in credit card debt. This is in addition to any store credit cards, mortgages, vehicle loans, and student loans.

Juggling multiple types of debt can be a challenge. A consultation with a 4 Pillars debt consultant provides insight and support into proactively managing debt before it becomes a problem.

Talking With Creditors

Understanding your ability to talk directly with creditors is one way a 4 Pillars debt consultant can help. This is something most consumers can do on their own once they have an understanding of what they can offer as a lump sum payment or a modification that allows them to catch up or avoid the initial missed or partial payments.

Credit Pay-Off Strategies

In addition to helping our clients manage debt, we also offer education. It may be possible to simply restructure the way you are managing your debt to more quickly pay off high interest loans.

If you are interested in learning more about debt repayment strategies, contact the team at 4 Pillars. Call and talk to one of our debt consultants by scheduling an appointment at 866-690-3328.