6 Signs You’re in Dun Territory

6 Signs You’re in Dun Territory

The first thing people in debt trouble do is to ignore the signs. If you encounter any of these, then it’s time to make significant changes to your finances.

Rising balances

If the balances on your credit card are on the rise, then that’s a sign that you’ve got debt problems. Don’t let it spiral out of control. Do your best to pay those cards in full every month. Going for the minimum is only going to drag it out further.

Maxed out credit card

If you have at least one credit card maxed out, then that’s not a good thing. Take a serious look at your finances and find ways to cut back. Stop using your credit card to keep from increasing your debt levels.

Minimum payments

If you can’t afford to pay more than the minimums on your credit cards, then you’re deep in troubled financial waters. It may be time to ask for help from a debt consultant. 4 Pillars in Victoria offers debt consulting services to help you figure out the best way to proceed with your debt repayment.

Living paycheck-to-paycheck

If you find yourself living from paycheck-to-paycheck and you can’t afford anything unless you put it on your credit card, then that’s a major sign that you’re already living close to the cuff. If you often find yourself living on your last dollar until payday, then something has got to change.

Stress and anxiety

Debt problems can take over your life. If you find yourself losing sleep, stressed to the max, and suffering from anxiety over money problems, then you need to take steps to gain back control of your money and live debt-free.

Lack of freedom

If you want to travel, see the world, start a new business or take your dream job, but you can’t because you’re still busy making debt repayments, then you’ve got debt standing between you and your dreams, The Simple Dollar says. If your debt is already affecting your choices, then it’s time to buckle down and get serious about resolving your money problems.

Get help from pros

Tackle your problems with seasoned debt consultants. Ask about your options. Consider the merits of a debt consolidation plan. Contact 4 Pillars in Victoria for advice and guidance. By getting help, you can see the light at the end of that dark, stressful tunnel and finally find your way out of the dun territory.