3 Ways To Prepare For Your Meeting With A 4 Pillars Debt Consultant

3 Ways To Prepare For Your Meeting With A 4 Pillars Debt Consultant

Making the decision to use a 4 Pillars debt consultant is an important step in creating a positive financial future. People in Victoria can meet in person with their debt consultant, or they can schedule meetings online or by phone.

The first meeting with a 4 Pillars debt consultant is an exploratory meeting, where the debt consultant and the client have a chance to review the current financial situation and to assess income, expenses, and debt repayment options. To ensure the most from this meeting, there are three ways to prepare.

Gather Financial Information

It is helpful to have a full and complete picture of your financial situation. Take the time to access information on income and debt, including all mortgages, loans, credit card payments, and monthly recurring payments.

In most cases, banks and other financial institutions in Victoria have this information online through the member’s account. Credit card statements and other forms of debt are also typically available through online accounts.

It is helpful to also have information about overall income through current or past tax filing or employment records.

Be Honest

Your meeting with a 4 Pillars debt consultant is confidential. It is essential to share your financial situation and to avoid hiding or failing to disclose either income or expenses to the professional.

Ask Questions

Make a list of questions you have for the debt consultant. Writing them down makes it easy to keep track of answers and to make sure you get the information needed.